Hello friends. I invite you this morning to join me on a flight of fancy, wherein we will pretend that the forthcoming Titus Andronicus LP “Local Business” has not leaked onto the internet, and that you are still frothing with anticipation as to what it could possibly sound like. Well, froth no longer, dear friends, as it is now our pleasure to share with you the second track from said LP, “Still Life with Hot Deuce and Silver Platter.” BEHOLD!
You will find the lyrics embedded in this video for you to follow along with, but no funny pictures this time, as there were in the “In A Big City” lyric video, which you all remember fondly, I’m sure. Why no funny pictures? Well, we just finished a twenty-eight hour music video shoot and I am tired. If you want to do yr own annotating, perform a Google Image Search for the terms “Carl Sagan,” “Carles,” and “Particle Man” and you will be well on yr way.
As long as we are talking, there are a few more “NATIONAL BUSINESS” tour dates with Ceremony to share with you, including our first ever show in South Carolina! They are as follows.
10-26 – Greensboro, NC – CFBG’s Record Co-Op
10-27 – Columbia, SC – One Unit Art Space
10-30 – Jacksonville, FL – Phoenix Taproom
11-01 – Nashville, TN – High Watt
And note these corrected dates in California.
11-09 – Santa Ana, CA – Constellation Room
11-10 – San Diego, CA – Irenic
11-11 – Santa Cruz, CA – Catalyst Atrium
Lastly, we have a free day on November 18th, on which Titus Andronicus and Ceremony would really love to visit the great state of WYOMING. Does anyone reading this have any leads on cool places to play in the Equality State? Please e-mail TitusAndronicusTheBand@Gmail.com and let us know!
I hope that this message finds you doing great, and that you will enjoy this song. Visit us again on Monday, when we will have yet more exciting announcements for you! Wheee! For now, farewell.
Yr friend,